Global teams. The tools for global leadership in multicultural environments
The challenges & benefits of global teams Globalization and the transformation of organizations create diverse and multicultural...
More than a Partner transforming cultures
Global teams. The tools for global leadership in multicultural environments
Do authentic Leaders botox or detox?
Neuroscience, Multilinguism, Alzheimer
Authenticity & Leadership
Switch off. Air your mind.
Leaders of a better tomorrow
Cultural Intelligence
Fostering English SPEAK-UP-CULTURE remotely.
The ON-OFF communicator. Keys to success for remote work.
The impact of Covid19 on our communication. A future vision.
Entrepreneurship 2020: Impact communication, your path to success.
Ride the elevator, lift success! 60sec impact communication, the elevator pitch.
What is language coaching? Border-cross communication.
3D of language acquisition. Neurolinguistic language coaching.